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Love in the country.
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When Seb joins Barleybridge, the last thing on his mind is romance. Keen to settle into his first real job and make a good impression he embraces the working life of a country vet. He has almost forgotten his high maintenance ex-girlfriend Carly and concentrates on settling down to a job he really loves. He is welcomed by the other members of the Practice and is soon contending with a menagerie of very diverse clients. There is a man starting a budgie breeding enterprise who believes that Seb is a top specialist in birds and a woman from Turnham Malpas intent on the legendary Mungo Prices expertise to save her wounded dog. Seb is to find that his expertise with animals and their owners leads to a friendship with the upperclass Jilly and rather more than that with Maggie whose family is heartbroken when he diagnoses their alpacas with TB. But when a surprise meeting in the Practice itself turns his head and touches his heart, he knows that these dalliancies are nothing but youthful romps.