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Cover image for Castle Garac.
Castle Garac.
Castle Garac.
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Tom Wells, a young American writer, is living on the French Riviera when his money runs out. He meets up with Paul Ehrenhardt, a dapper, obviously wealthy, international type who hires him as his confidential secretary although he has no secretarial duties, but acts more as a Man Friday for some mysterious projects. Tom's first task is to entertain Anna, Paul's seductive wife, for which he is given a fat expense account and the run of the Riviera gambling casinos and restaurants. His next task is to rent a half-ruined medieval castle in the hills of Provence without letting on who his employer is. And finally he has to find a girl...any girl...who is about nineteen, French, beautiful, blonde, aristocratic in manner, without a family or other ties, and able to disappear for a few months.