Cover image for Team Steve.
Team Steve.
Publication Date:
It's the annual Race-a-thon in the forest, and Steve is very excited. He wins EVERY year, and Steve LOVES winning... But this year, they're trying something new - instead of every animal for himself, it's going to be a relay race! "No problemo," says Steve. "I will be on a team with Deer, Rabbit and... hmm, who else is fast... oh, and Fox!" Bob explains that to keep things fair, they drew names, and Steve is on a team with Duck, Turtle and Snail. "Wait a sec," says Steve. "A duck waddles, a turtle walks and a snail... is a snail!" How is Steve supposed to win? As hilarious as ever, this exceptional horse continues to entertain, as he discovers that there is more than one way to be a winner.