Cover image for Bulletproof Suzy. [large print]
Bulletproof Suzy. [large print]
Bulletproof Suzy. [large print]
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A government initiative to deal with increasing opposition to rising taxes offers employment to anyone willing to collect payments, by whatever means necessary. Suzy and her gang of "little ladies" are all too willing to sign up for the business opportunity, lured by both the money and the violence. Suzy’s childhood friend Joanne is opposed to the scheme and a rift forms between the two young women—then Joanne is found brutally murdered outside Suzy’s tower block. Suzy and her crew set about finding the killer to exact retribution in the only way that they know, but there are two ominous complications: Suzy is the police's only suspect and there appears to be damning video evidence; and there is a menacing new gang infiltrating Suzy’s neighborhood—they’re sophisticated, armed to the teeth, and after Suzy’s blood. Written in the convincing yet accessible street-speak of Suzy herself, this tale of the British urban underclass explores the clash between individual freedom and state control, and considers to what extent an individual can shape her own destiny.