Cover image for Ma Bayly of Newfoundland. [online electronic book]
Ma Bayly of Newfoundland. [online electronic book]
Ma Bayly of Newfoundland. [online electronic book]
Publication Date:
Meet Ma Bayly, a typically unbeatable lioness of a Newfoundland mother and her cherished brood. These heart-warming stories, crafted in an isolated salt box house atop a hill bombarded by an unrelenting, gusty Atlantic wind, through the most unforgiving weather on earth, follow the sequential journey of Ma Bayly and her family as they struggle through some everyday and some-not-so-everyday challenges. Their struggle is universal to mothers and families everywhere, but filtered through the unique cultural perspective of the extraordinary island that is Newfoundland. She is fire and ice, fury and gentleness. She is the lively jig and the soulful ballad. She is longing and belonging. Let Ma Bayly and her family give you a personal window into their lives on the impossibly rugged rock that is Newfoundland.