Cover image for Seas of crisis.
Seas of crisis.
Seas of crisis.
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In a war that needs every capable body, every scrap of matÔeriel, America's greatest military hero worries that his days on the front lines are over. Captain Jeffrey Fuller's last mission forced him to sacrifice the lives of good men in order to secure a victory, a tactical decision that he fears may have ended his career. But an opportunity for redemption comes in the form of a new mission that will pit Fuller against his former adversaries from the Cold War. Washington has concluded that Russia is the key to victory. The former superpower, officially a neutral country, is clandestinely supplying the Axis powers with advanced weapons technology. Russia must be punished, but it needs to be orchestrated in such a way that will, at the same time, avoid creating a new enemy. To accomplish such a bold maneuver, Jeffrey Fuller must sneak a team of commandos into Russia to launch a nuclear missile -- against his own country.