Cover image for Heaven knows.
Heaven knows.
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With her big dreams and flair for the flamboyant, Lizzle Robinson is a feisty child, besotted by the lazy charm of the most eligible bachelor on Nantucket. She had loved him forever. To Travis Mackinnon, Lizzie is nothing more than a delightfully outrageous imp: whenever they meet she does something foolish. Then Lizzie's reputation is so tarnished that she is banished to Boston for some much-needed taming. She returns to Nantucket, no longer Lizzie but Elizabeth—a proper lady who steps into Travis' life once again. Travis can't help but see the beautiful woman she has become. But their forced marriage drives them apart, and Elizabeth learns to live without him. She can never imagine that the dark and disturbing man who abandoned her on her wedding night will someday walk down a sandy stretch of beach and back into her life. For how can she know that time will turn his bitterness to love? And that obsessed by the woman he cannot forget, Travis will set out to win her for good, willing to do anything for the love he so carelessly cast aside?