Cover image for Broken wagon. [large print]
Broken wagon. [large print]
Broken wagon. [large print]
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Selected with the classic Western fan in mind, this series draws from the work of the acknowledged masters of Western fiction and some contemporary authors writing in the traditional Western style. Also included are anthologies and collections of short works by favorite authors.When Neil Bowman gets on the night stage to Broken Wagon, he has no idea that he'll end up part owner of a newspaper. But, for a man with a reputation to put behind him, the Broken Wagon Bugle looks like a safe bet -- attractive, too, from what he hears about his partner, Jenny Hascombe. But before he can melt the ice that fear has made of Jenny's heart, Bowman has to blaze his way past Sig Ogden, the man who aims to run Broken Wagon. But Ogden has more than his position to protect.