Cover image for The pavilion at Monkshood. [large print]
The pavilion at Monkshood. [large print]
The pavilion at Monkshood. [large print]
Publication Date:
Why did brooding, handsome Luke Herriot keep the door locked? Where did the mysterious lights come from that shone through its cracks at night? Lovely young Jessica Lothian suspected that Luke, whom she loved, was secretly meeting her strange and beautiful cousin Claudine in the pavilion, that Luke was part of the ghastly past that still clung to Monkshood, that someone - or something - lived behind the closed door, watched over by the grinning, silent statue of Pan... Monkshood was doomed, and Jessica with it - unless she could open the evil door and free those unquiet ghosts who would never rest until a murderer was brought to justice - a murderer who might be Luke!