Cover image for Perfect timing.
Perfect timing.
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Up-and-coming musician Tom thinks he met the love of his life one night a year ago, but thanks to a made-up girlfriend, he's pretty sure he's never going to see her again. If it weren't for the painkillers the doctor gave him for his dislocated shoulder, he could've explained what really happened; but now the moment for explanations has gone, so he just keeps writing obscure songs about her in the wild hope that she'll hear one on the radio and understand. Jess thinks she met a cheating liar one night a year ago, but much to her chagrin, she can't seem to stop thinking about him. When she finally decides to take it upon herself to tell Tom's girlfriend what really happened that night, she finds out that the truth isn't quite what she thought it was. But by then it's too late--she's headed to the other side of the world to launch her comedy career. As the years go by, Tom and Jess are never far from each other's thoughts. But every time it seems there might be a way for them to move forward, something else conspires to tear them apart. In life and in love, timing is everything--but will Tom and Jess ever manage to get it right?