Cover image for Is everyone moonburned but me?
Is everyone moonburned but me?
Is everyone moonburned but me?
Publication Date:
Stuck between a glamorous, self-involved older sister and a spoiled, delicate younger sister, Hannah never seems to get the attention she deserves. Her mom is busy with her job and her boyfriend, and she depends on Hannah to be dependable. When Hannah decides she'll try living with her father, she finds he has a new girlfriend, and the girlfriend has an obnoxious son with whom Hannah is expected to be friendly. Hannah suspects she's the only one in her mixed-up family who isn't moonburned--floating somewhere in outer space--and she wonders how important she really is to a family that barely seems to notice her. In this humorous but thoughtful story, filled with contemporary, realistically drawn characters, Hannah must find a way to express her own personality and define her role in her ever-changing family.