Cover image for Freida's song ; for a song.
Freida's song ; for a song.
Freida's song ; for a song.
Alternate Title:
For a song
Publication Date:
Frieda's song -- For a song.
Frieda's song: Klaus von Beroburg, a handsome and accomplished Bavarian war hero, has asked for the hand of Lord Friedrich von Quelle Donau's daughter, Lady Frieda. Klaus sees this marriage as an opportunity to form an alliance between two wealthy families, and between Bavaria and the Schwarzwald. Lord Friedrich insists that his daughter marry Klaus, firmly reminding Frieda that she intentionally drove off all the acceptable local suitors-so the decision is no longer hers. Frieda balks, but soon realizes that by marruing Klaus, she might finally please her parents for the first time in her life. She dares to hope, too, that she might also please Klaus in spite of her many flaws and her penchant for mischief. Frieda resolves to make the best of her marriage, at least until Klaus tires of his bride and sends her back to the Schwarzwald. Meanwhile, Klaus, a serious man with little tolerance for frivolity, prays for God's guidance and help in discovering Frieda's good qualities-and for the wisdom to overlook the unpleasant things he has heard about her. Will this disparate couple be able to find true love?

For a song: It's the year 1327 in Bavaria. Sixteen-year-old Lady Margarethe lives at the castle of her aunt and uncle as she studies music, under the instruction of Willem. Willem is a landless young nobleman, the younger son of a poor noble family. Margarethe and Willem are secretly in love, but because Willem will never have land of his own, they will never be able to marry. And now the time has come for Margarethe to be betrothed. When Margarethe's uncle learns of her and Willem's love, he sends Willem away to work at the castle of his ally, Lord Otto. But soon Margarethe must also travel there, and seeing Willem again only makes it harder -- especially since she is soon to be betrothed to Lord Otto's son Gregor. Gregor is a good and kind man, but Margarethe knows that she will never love him the way she loves Willem. Can Margarethe and Willem find, by some miracle, a way to be together?
General Note:
"2-in1 romance (flip book)."