Cover image for Crazy about Lili.
Crazy about Lili.
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Our hero, Richard Lippman, is about to enter McGill and is desperate for two things — a sense of direction in life and, much more important, sexual experience with a real, live girl. Unknown to his “refined” Westmount parents, he’s brought into the exciting Montreal world of burlesque and brothels by his Uncle Morty, who introduces him to Lili L’Amour, the star stripper of the day. Before you know it, he’s (a) head over heels in love with Lili and (b) using his poetic talents to write the text for her routine, and even giving her tips on how to move. Much follows, including his creation of “Freckles, The Girl Next Door,” a stripping sensation. By day a respectful McGill student courted by campus Communists, by night a free-spending night-club sampler and reviewer — well, it’s quite a year for Richard. And this is quite a novel for all of us. Watch for falling prizes.