Cover image for The dominion of Wyley McFadden.
The dominion of Wyley McFadden.
Publication Date:
After months of painstaking preparation, Wyley McFadden is finally ready to carry out an outlandish scheme. In what looks remarkably like an ordinary camper van, McFadden is transporting a secret cargo -- one he's been accumulating for the better part of a year -- from Toronto to Alberta. But just past the town of Wawa, off the eastern flank of Lake Superior, in the midst of miles and miles of aspen and conifer, he spots a girl in a tennis outfit on the side of the road. Hopping from one foot to the other, bending in oddly rhythmic intervals and waving her arms, she appears to be performing some exotic dance. But as McFadden gets closer, he realizes she is being eaten alive by mosquitoes and black flies, and he slows to pick her up.