Cover image for 29 dates. [online electronic book]
29 dates. [online electronic book]
Alternate Title:
Twenty-nine dates
Publication Date:
How many dates will it take to find The One? South Korean student Ji-Su's parents are concerned by her lack of attention to her schoolwork and her future. Working with Seoul's premier matchmaker to find the right boyfriend is one step toward ensuring Ji-Su's success, and going on the recommended dates is Ji-Su's compromise to please her parents while finding space to figure out her own dreams. But when she flubs a test and skips out on a date to spend time with friends, her fed-up parents shock her by shipping her off to a private school in San Francisco. Where she'll have a better chance to shine academically - and be set up on more dates! Navigating her new world, Ji-Su finds comfort in taking the photographs that populate her ever-growing social media account. Soon attention from two very different boys sends Ji-Su into a tailspin of soul-searching. As her passion for photography lights her on fire, does she even want to find The One? And what if her One isn't parent and matchmaker approved?