Cover image for Sequoia shootout.
Sequoia shootout.
Sequoia shootout.
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Ex-Pinkerton detective Jefferson Hewitt is back on another case – this time on the trail of one of the most murderous villains in the West. One Clive Huks, alias Durango Slim. A man wanted for, among other crimes, the abduction and brutal murder of a fifteen-year-old girl, the daughter of a once very dear friend of Hewitt’s. Setting out to see justice done, Hewitt enlists the aid of a seasoned if somewhat shaky Irishman suffering from a terminal case of the D.T.’s. Soon he has infiltrated and uncovered Slim’s outfit – one of the West’s most vicious white slave trade operations. But as Jefferson Hewitt pursues his quarry on a chase across four states, he makes the most serious slip-up of his career. For the first time in his life, he loses his cool professional detachment.