Cover image for À trop aimer. [online electronic book]
À trop aimer. [online electronic book]
À trop aimer. [online electronic book]
Translated Title:
To love too much
Publication Date:
She meets him, and it's a wonder. Tristan is an awesome artist who turns dreams into reality. At its side, life becomes a large playground where we recite poems while taunting passers-by. He looks like no one else, but that difference comes at a price. The world is too small for him who cannot stand any rule. His days and nights are punctuated with anguish and terror. Only love seems to be able to save him. So she loves him madly, a love that gives itself body and soul, capable of absorbing everything, the moods more and more dark, more and more violent. Until what point ? To the point of isolating oneself to no longer hear the insults, to the point of lying to those close to him, to the point of getting used to fear? Is that it, to love someone a ? A first novel of rare accuracy on the hold of love.