Cover image for Dark mirror : [online electronic book] Edward Snowden and the American Surveillance State.
Dark mirror : [online electronic book] Edward Snowden and the American Surveillance State.
Dark mirror : [online electronic book] Edward Snowden and the American Surveillance State.
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Dark Mirror is the master narrative we have waited for, told with authority and an inside view of extraordinary events. Within it is a personal account of the obstacles facing the author, beginning with Gellman's discovery of his own name in the NSA document trove. Google notifies him that a foreign government is trying to compromise his account. A trusted technical adviser finds anomalies on his laptop. Sophisticated impostors approach Gellman with counterfeit documents, attempting to divert or discredit his work. Throughout Dark Mirror, the author describes an escalating battle against unknown digital adversaries, forcing him to mimic their tradecraft in self-defense.