Cover image for Without measure.
Without measure.
Without measure.
Publication Date:
bk. 4
Jack Widow used to be an NCIS agent, undercover with the Navy SEALs. He's not that guy anymore. Now he's a drifter. After a long night trying to sleep in the cab of a truch -- hauling bullets, of all things -- Jack Widow gives up trying to catch some sleep. He gets out at the next stop, a small town in the northeast corner of California with two industries: a small arms manufacturer and a Marine base on the verge of being forgotten. Jack Widow stops in a diner to drink coffee in peace, but a Marine seated at another booth gives off signs that bother him deep down in his cop bones. Widow tries to talk to the Marine, but he doesn't want to talk. Afterward, Widow finishes his coffee and leaves the diner to find a motel bed to sleep on. By the time his head hits the pillow, the military police show up, banging on his door. They've got questions and handcuffs. They want to know why he was seen talking to the Marine officer. They want to know woh Widow is and what was said. They want to know why, after Widow sat with him, the Marine went back to his base and shot and killed five Marines, before shooting himself dead. In a year with tensions high regarding Muslins extremists, gun control, and police culture, the cops think it's obvious that Marine Officer James Muhammad Turik was part of an ISIS cell. Some townspeople want to blame Muslims. The politicians want to blame guns. The outside media only care about the headlines. Jack Widow wants to find the truth.