Cover image for Ten things I've learnt about love
Ten things I've learnt about love
Ten things I've learnt about love
Alternate Title:
10 things I've learnt about love.

Ten things I have learnt about love.
Publication Date:
Alice is the youngest of three sisters and the black sheep of the family. About to turn thirty, she has never made a success of her life as her two older sisters have, and since her mother's death, she has felt even more shut out. In love for years with a man who refuses to fully commit to her, she finally leaves him and heads to Mongolia with nothing more than a backpack. She is late to learn that her father is dying and returns to London only just in time to say good-bye. Daniel is called many things - tramp, bum, lost. To him, the city of London has come to feel like home in a way no bricks-and-mortar dwelling ever did. His health is faltering, but he is kept alive by the knowledge of one thing - that he has a daughter somewhere in the world.