Cover image for Cream of the crop.
Cream of the crop.
Cream of the crop.
Publication Date:
bk. 2
Manhattan's It Girl, Natalie Grayson is a hot exec at a leading advertising firm, has a large circle of friends, a family that loves her dearly, and her dance card is always full with handsome eligible bachelors. What else could a modern gal-about-town wish for? The answer, of course, is--cheese. Every Saturday morning at the Union Square Farmer's Market she indulges her love of all things triple cream. Her favorite booth also indulges her love of all things handsome. Oscar Mendoza, owner of the Bailey Falls Creamery and purveyor of the finest artisanal cheeses the Hudson Valley has to offer, is tall, dark, mysterious, and a bit oblivious. But that doesn't stop Natalie from fantasizing about the size of his, ahem, milk can. Romance is churning, and something incredible is rising to the top.