Cover image for The journals of Eleanor Druse : my investigation of the kingdom hospital incident.
The journals of Eleanor Druse : my investigation of the kingdom hospital incident.
The journals of Eleanor Druse : my investigation of the kingdom hospital incident.
Alternate Title:
My investigation of the kingdom hospital incident
Publication Date:
Eleanor Druse's fascination with the paranormal intensifies after she has a near-death experience, and when she hears of strange occurrences at Kingdom Hospital she feels compelled to investigate. It seems the hospital rests on the site of a textile mill that burned to the ground, incinerating many workers, including child labourers. Eleanor is convinced that the spirit of one girl, Mary Jensen, is trapped in the hospital, and that the apparition seeks resolution for her grisly death. She also senses other evil presences in the ancient hallways. These journals trace Eleanor's investigations, from the beginning of her covert work up until its terrifying conclusion.