Cover image for Shit is real. [graphic novel]
Shit is real. [graphic novel]
Shit is real. [graphic novel]
Publication Date:
After an unexpected breakup, a young woman named Selma experiences a series of reveries and emotional setbacks. Struggling to relate to her friends and accomplish even the simplest tasks like using a modern laundromat, she sinks deeper into depression. After witnessing another couple break up and chancing upon the jilted male of the couple, Anders, at his pet store job, Selma realizes that her mysterious neighbor is the woman of that same couple. Her growing despair distances her from her eager and sympathetic friend. One day, as the mysterious glamorous neighbor is leaving for a business trip, Selma discovers the woman has dropped the key card to her apartment. Selma initially resists but eventually she presses the key to her neighbor's lock, and enters.