Cover image for Red sky at morning.
Red sky at morning.
Red sky at morning.
Publication Date:
It is Fleet Week in New York, when foreign ships fill the great city's harbor in an incomparable display of naval grace and power. Ken Hughes and Kate Ross are only two of the millions joining in the celebration, watching the spectacle from aboard Ken's boat. Newly in love, they--like everyone else--are oblivious to the dangerous interlopers moving silently among the welcomed guests. Beneath the surface of the Hudson River, an armada of Chinese attack submarines is readying to launch a blitzkrieg attack on the unprepared and unsuspecting populace. It is a brazen act of aggression, the brainchild of brilliant and obsessed Admiral Tang Li. And it seems predestined to succeed because of one terrifying America's most vital and important city is virtually impossible to defend. But in this gotham of strong wills and stubborn pride, there are those who won't be cowed.