Cover image for Wings of glass.
Wings of glass.
Wings of glass.
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“We picked you because you were the lightest. No one would know you were half Chipewyan with that blond hair. I can’t believe it myself. Forget the past. It’s over. Done. You belong to us.” For years, the unnamed hero- ine of Wings of Glass has pushed the past aside, but a mutiny has begun. She finds herself being sabotaged. It would be easy to defend against her saboteurs if only she could see them. But she can’t. They are in her mind. They are fond memories of her mother, her sister Wynn, her brother Ben, and the flamboyant Aunt Marilyn. They are harrowing memories of the Kiwanis Home for Or- phaned Children and her cruel adoptive mother Marie. These memories threaten to kill her if she allows them to slip past the finely woven barriers of defense she has created to repress them.