Cover image for The advocate.
The advocate.
The advocate.
Publication Date:
bk. 1
Former victim Palmer Reed is facing the 20th anniversary of her kidnapping when she is recruited to the board of a prestigious foundation dedicated to helping the victims of crime. Run by Marjoram Swall, a woman known as The Vindicator, who helped rescue Palmer twenty years ago from the hands of their mutual enemy, the foundation gives Palmer something to believe in, hoping that by helping other victims, she will resolve her own painful past. But something dark lies beneath the foundation’s surface, and after Palmer learns of the foundation's use of blackmail to raise money for their cause, she discovers that several individuals who escaped their blackmail attempts all later died in mysterious accidents. She investigates, and soon believes their deaths are anything but accidental. Faced with the dilemma of staying loyal to her mentor and the foundation that's provided her with a purpose, or exposing the truth and tearing her life apart, she's forced to question her own ethical boundaries, whether the pursuit of justice and the equalization of a faulty legal system is worth murder. But her mentor won't risk giving her that choice, and soon Palmer finds herself the target of an unknown killer, her former kidnappers, and even Marjoram herself. For Palmer has opened a deadly link to their past, and she's on a mission to uncover the truth.