Cover image for The face on the wall. [large print]
The face on the wall. [large print]
The face on the wall. [large print]
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Homer Kelly returns to help his wife's niece, Annie Swann, who has gained success as a children's book illustrator. Annie has built a fabulous addition to her house and is renting out the old section. Part of her new area is a 35-foot wall, on which Annie plans to paint her masterpiece. However, a mysterious face keeps appearing -- no matter how often Annie paints it out. One day, Annie returns home to find her tenants' handicapped son apparently crushed by her scaffolding. When her tenants sue Annie and threaten her with the loss of her home, Homer Kelly steps in to unravel the mystery. He encounters greedy land developers and a sociopathic child in his attempts to salvage Annie's dream.