Cover image for Any minute now.
Any minute now.
Any minute now.
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Red Rover is broken, finished, dead. The blackest of black ops teams is betrayed on a mission to capture and interrogate a mysterious Saudi. One of their own is killed, the remaining two barely get home alive. Then without warning or explanation the mission is shut down and Greg Whitman and Felix Orteno are left adrift in a world full of deathly shadows and unanswerable questions. Into their midst comes Charlize Daou, a brilliant, wildly talented arms expert and she becomes their new center, their moral compass, and their reason for resurrecting Red Rover. Ignoring their new orders, Red Rover secretly sets out to find the Saudi, the first step in a perilous journey into the heart of a vast conspiracy that involves the NSA, a cabal of immensely wealthy mystics, and an ageless magus out to create an entirely new way of waging war--a war that will destabilize the super-powers and forever rearrange the balance of power across the globe.