Cover image for Sacred heart.
Sacred heart.
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Among the speakeasies and brothels of New York City's West Side, Tommy Coyne's appetite for sex, power and violence made him a shark among men. So when dirty cops made him head for cover with Frank, his pious Jesuit brother in Mexico, he did it in his own unique style - disguised as a priest. But Frank never mentioned that Mexico was locked in its own bloody struggle, with government troops ruthlessly attacking the clergy and their faithful. Soon, the black robes that got Tommy across the border have him hanging from a noose in the dusty village square of Santa Maria. But then provinces or plain Irish luck collapses the scaffold, Tommy blasts his way free, and a whisper ripples through the crowd: Un milagro - a miracle! In the eyes of the peasants, he is now the padre with God on his side, a new leader who will deliver them from their misery. Frank sees Padre Tommy from a more mercenary angle - he knows his brother has all the skills to lead a fierce crusade in the name of the church. And heaven-sent Lourdes, the tragically beautiful nun who tends Tommy's wounds, knows only that her attraction to this priest is as powerful as it is forbidden. While Tommy ponders his divine change of fortune, Frank prepares a scheme more suitable for wise guys than men of the cloth. In this harsh, blood-soaked land, these two brothers face choices that will seal their destinies.