Cover image for The ghost with blue eyes.
The ghost with blue eyes.
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It was a sight that would haunt Lancaster's soul for the rest of his life—a beautiful little girl with startling blue eyes. Eyes that looked up at him as he fired the shot that killed her. He hadn't meant to do it. Why did she have to get in the way just as he drew down on the man he was hired to kill? He asked himself that question every day, but he never found the answer, or a way to forgive himself. Even before the girl's body was cold, Lancaster hung up his guns and picked up a bottle. But even the booze couldn't get those blue eyes out of his head. And when he found another little girl who needed his help, a girl as desperate and sad as the one he'd killed, he knew he'd finally found a way to regain his soul...even if it cost him his life in the bargain.