Cover image for Son of a gunsmith.
Son of a gunsmith.
Son of a gunsmith.
Publication Date:
The legend in question was a friend from The Gunsmith’s youth, the one and only Kit Carson. But Carson, the celebrated frontiersman, wilderness guide and Indian Agent, had died years ago—so who was the lawman from Taos who looked so much like him, and whose life Clint saved when the lead started flying? Turned out it was Kit’s son, Christopher Charles Carson. Charles, as he preferred to be known, was trailing a half-dozen killers when Clint rode into his life. The gang was led by an outlaw named Ed Garrison, and were known as Garrison’s Gorillas. They’d robbed the Taos bank and left a dead man in their wake. But when Sheriff Carson went after them, no one in town would join his posse. Although he wanted to ride clear of trouble, Clint Adams couldn’t let the young man hunt down such a dangerous quarry alone. So he decided to buy in, and even the odds a little!