Cover image for Written in the stars.
Written in the stars.
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Restless Diane Buchannan left a glamorous life in the East to salvage her grandparents' faltering Wild West Show. Her bareback-riding feats drew huge crowds in Denver, but Diane's was not the only new act. The "Redman of the Rockies," a captured "savage," was a sensation with his hard-muscled body, harshly handsome features, and dark eyes glittering with icy fury. Mesmerized by the caged wild creature, Diane recklessly turned him loose, only to be swept up and spirited away into the Rocky Mountains.... Cruelly captured, his magnificent body put on display for taunting crowds, he thirsted for revenge. When the violet-eyed beauty set him free, the Redman carried her off as bait to catch his captors. But Diane's shining spirit and shimmering loveliness enchanted her abductor. Taking her to a land of golden days and silver nights, gradually revealing the many mysteries of his true identity, the "savage" found himself captive to a love that was Written in the Stars