Cover image for Never die in January. [large print]
Never die in January. [large print]
Never die in January. [large print]
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It’s seems a great shame when a whole life is mourned by just six people. Detective Superintendent George Macrae and his sergeant, Leopold Silver can’t help but notice the meagre numbers in attendance; themselves, two undertakers, the priest and the widow, Gladys. Eddie had been George’s loyal driver who had been battling teenage thugs in the housing estates. George tries his best to do what he can for Gladys now that she is on her own. George is an old-fashioned, hard-drinking, tough copper while Silver is almost his direct opposite; a suave rookie but with keen, intelligent eyes. George’s ex-wife, Linda, seems fascinated by the new neighbour, Irene. Irene has become uncommonly interested by the previous neighbour, a young girl who committed suicide… or was it murder? Meanwhile, Macrae’s past demons come back to haunt him. An underworld thug claims that Macrae owes him a large sum of money. Money which George had borrowed from a bookie previously who was now deceased. With rumours abound of a crooked cop, George must do his best to stay out of the firing line, but what about Silver? Can he trust his partner? Never Die in January is a chilling thriller that makes you question everyone and everything…