Cover image for Hawken fury.
Hawken fury.
Alternate Title:
Wilderness : hawken fury
Publication Date:
Nate spun to confront an enormous Blackfoot bearing down on him like a berserk buffalo bull. The brave swung his tomahawk at Nate’s face. Ducking, Nate pointed his flintlock and fired. Struck in his left shoulder, the Blackfoot jerked with the impact. Spurting blood like a fountain, he grimaced, but otherwise ignored the wound. Nothing would stop him from sending the hated white man into the spirit realm. Crimson drops sprinkled Nate’s cheeks and chin as he lunged to one side and tried to stab the Blackfoot in the ribs. Even though wounded, the brave was able to dodge nimbly out of harm’s way. For a heartbeat they faced one another, the Blackfoot crouched, ready to strike. Growling like an animal, the Blackfoot sprang forward, his tomahawk aimed straight for Nate’s head. Although he frequently had to battle savage Indians, wild beasts, and hostile elements, Nate felt the freedom he’d gained was worth it. But when an old love arrives, Nate learns that the deadliest foe can come in the guise of a trusted friend, and his hard-won freedom can be traded away for a few pieces of gold.