Cover image for Bodyguard of lies.
Bodyguard of lies.
Bodyguard of lies.
Publication Date:
Two women become inextricably involved in a dangerous web of lies, intrigue, and betrayal as they fight for their lives and the safety of their country. Neeley was the lover and protÔegÔee of Gant, a Cellar operative. She is trying to pick up the pieces of her life after Gant's death and unveil a mystery that Gant always held close to his chest. Hannah, a housewife, is equally lost after her husband simply disappears. After a chance meeting, the women learn that the men in their lives shared a dangerous secret, one that some very powerful people would shed blood to protect. Crisscrossing the globe, Hannah and Neeley must win a deadly game of survival to keep the United States safe not only from vicious acts of terror, but from its own powers that be. But when the Cellar is involved, there is no such thing as coincidence, and the truth is always protected by a Bodyguard of Lies.