Cover image for Motherhood so white : [online electronic book] a memoir of race, gender, and parenting in America.
Motherhood so white : [online electronic book] a memoir of race, gender, and parenting in America.
Motherhood so white : [online electronic book] a memoir of race, gender, and parenting in America.
Publication Date:
When Nefertiti Austin, a single African-American woman, decided to adopt two black children through the foster system, she was unprepared for the fact that there is no place for black women in the 'mommy wars.' Austin set off on her path with no place to seek guidance from others who looked like her or shared her experience. She soon realized that she would not only have to navigate skepticism from the adoption community, who deal almost exclusively with white women, but surprisingly, from her own family and friends as well. Motherhood So White is an engaging story of family, and one of the first books to examine America's deep-seated racial tension through the lens of parenthood.