Cover image for One minute to midnight.
One minute to midnight.
One minute to midnight.
Publication Date:
. 2
Former navy SEAL Ben Jackson knows that sexy "Mary Long" is nothing but a cover; that beneath the stylish clothes and flirty smile is a stone cold super-soldier no one ever gets close to. Until her kiss hits him like one of her sniper rounds. But Morris Flats is no place for a hookup—menace hums through the town, and the more the two operators keep pushing for answers, the more deadly the current seems to run. For former Special Forces sniper Mary Kuri, flirting with her muscular teammate feels like playing with fire. It's hard to tell where the cover ends and the real feelings begin. What she does know is they can't afford to lose focus. Their mission is to gather evidence, and with the gunrunners watching their every move, a single mistake could prove fatal. It's two against the world, and Ben and Mary are about to discover that not only do the lives of innocent people hang in the balance, but they're also fighting to save the rare connection they've found with each other.