Image de couverture de The amazing adventures of Rosy, the fairy.
The amazing adventures of Rosy, the fairy.
The amazing adventures of Rosy, the fairy.
Titre Alternatif:
Rosy, the fairy
Date de publication:
Auteur ajouté:
Olivia loves fairies. She reads about fairies, she thinks about fairies, and she even dreams about fairies. She is delighted when the fairy she has been dreaming about becomes real. Olivia names her fairy friend Rosy (because of her pink cheeks), and then makes plans to show Rosy to all her friends. However, the only people who will be able to see Rosy are the ones who have faith and believe in things they cannot see. Time is of the essence though as Rosy can only stay with Olivia for a short period of time. Before Rosy leaves for other parts of the world to visit children who need help believing, Rosy will whisper advice to Olivia, and together they will teach Olivia’s friends and family to have faith in things they cannot see. Not only will her friends and family feel better, but they might meet their own fairy friends too.
Numéro international normalisé des livres (ISBN):