Search Results for - Narrowed by: Milligan, Dustin, 1984- - Children - 2011-2017 SirsiDynix Enterprise$003dAUTHOR$002509Author$002509Milligan$00252C$002bDustin$00252C$002b1984-$002509Milligan$00252C$002bDustin$00252C$002b1984-$0026qf$003dNLPL_AUDIENCE$002509Audience$002509J$002509Children$0026qf$003dPUBDATE$002509Publication$002bDate$0025092011-2017$0025092011-2017$0026ps$003d300$0026h$003d1?dt=list 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z Zone grise sur les pistes du Yukon : le droit &agrave; l'&eacute;galit&eacute;, peu importe sa couleur / written by Dustin Milligan ; illustrated by Cory Tibbits. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:784770 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z By:&#160;Milligan, Dustin, 1984-&#160;Tibbits, Cory.<br/>Publication Date:&#160;2016<br/>Format:&#160;Books<br/> Portrait d'une artiste en jeune homard : le droit de parler, de chanter et de rire / written by Dustin Milligan ; illustrated by Meredith Luce. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:784773 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z By:&#160;Milligan, Dustin, 1984-&#160;Luce, Meredith, 1988-<br/>Publication Date:&#160;2016<br/>Format:&#160;Books<br/> Premi&egrave;res migrations : des droits li&eacute;s au patrimoine autochtone / text, Dustin Milligan ; illustrations, Meredith Luce. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:784784 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z By:&#160;Milligan, Dustin, 1984-&#160;Luce, Meredith, 1988-<br/>Publication Date:&#160;2016<br/>Format:&#160;Books<br/> Mario LeMagnifique : le droit d'&ecirc;tre instruit en fran&ccedil;ais ou en anglais / written by Dustin Milligan ; illustrated by Cory Tibbits. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:784489 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z By:&#160;Milligan, Dustin, 1984-&#160;Tibbits, Cory.<br/>Publication Date:&#160;2016<br/>Format:&#160;Books<br/> Les deux patates &agrave; deux yeax : le droit d'avoir l'ami ou l'amie que notre c&oelig;ur choisit / written by Dustin Milligan ; illustrated by Cory Tibbits. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:784491 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z By:&#160;Milligan, Dustin, 1984-&#160;Tibbits, Cory.<br/>Publication Date:&#160;2016<br/>Format:&#160;Books<br/> Sue les traces d'&Eacute;meuly Meuphy : le droit a l'egalite entre les filles et les gar&ccedil;ons / written by Dustin Milligan ; illustrated by Meredith Luce. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:784492 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z By:&#160;Milligan, Dustin, 1984-&#160;Luce, Meredith, 1988-<br/>Publication Date:&#160;2016<br/>Format:&#160;Books<br/> L'hame&ccedil;on, dor&eacute; : le droit de croire et d'avoir la foi / written by Dustin Milligan ; illustrated by Jasmine Vicente. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:784494 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z By:&#160;Milligan, Dustin, 1984-&#160;Vicente, Jasmine.<br/>Publication Date:&#160;2016<br/>Format:&#160;Books<br/> Alexandre le petit deviendra Alexandre le grand : le droit d'&ecirc;tre trait&eacute; avec consid&eacute;ration, peu importe son &acirc;ge / written by Dustin Milligan ; illustrated by Jasmine Vicente. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:784496 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z By:&#160;Milligan, Dustin, 1984-&#160;Vicente, Jasmine.<br/>Publication Date:&#160;2016<br/>Format:&#160;Books<br/> Un voyage palpitant sur la colline du Parlement : la responsabilit&eacute; de respecter les droits des autres / text, Dustin Milligan ; illustrations, Meredith Luce. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:784512 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z By:&#160;Milligan, Dustin, 1984-&#160;Luce, Meredith, 1988-<br/>Publication Date:&#160;2016<br/>Format:&#160;Books<br/> R&eacute;al, l'orignal &agrave; la m&acirc;choire co-los-sa-le : le droit de participer et de se sentir int&eacute;gr&eacute; / text, Dustin Milligan ; illustrations, Cory Tibbits. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:784513 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z By:&#160;Milligan, Dustin, 1984-&#160;Tibbits, Cory.<br/>Publication Date:&#160;2016<br/>Format:&#160;Books<br/> La petite prison dans la Prairie : le droit de jouer en toute libert&eacute; / text, Dustin Milligan ; illustrations, Meredith Luce. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:784514 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z By:&#160;Milligan, Dustin, 1984-&#160;Luce, Meredith, 1988-<br/>Publication Date:&#160;2016<br/>Format:&#160;Books<br/> Anne... la tomate au trognon vert : le droit &agrave; la s&eacute;curit&eacute; / text, Dustin Milligan ; illustrations, Jasmine Vicente. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:784515 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z By:&#160;Milligan, Dustin, 1984-&#160;Vicente, Jasmine.<br/>Publication Date:&#160;2016<br/>Format:&#160;Books<br/> Le cas du bagel de Montr&eacute;al disparu : le droit &agrave; la vie priv&eacute;e et &agrave; la s&eacute;curit&eacute; / text, Dustin Milligan ; illustrations, Meredith Luce. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:784516 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z By:&#160;Milligan, Dustin, 1984-&#160;Luce, Meredith, 1988-<br/>Publication Date:&#160;2016<br/>Format:&#160;Books<br/> Complot sous une aurore bor&eacute;ale : la libert&eacute; de r&eacute;union et d'association / text, Dustin Milligan ; illustrations, Cory Tibbits. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:784517 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z By:&#160;Milligan, Dustin, 1984-&#160;Tibbits, Cory,<br/>Publication Date:&#160;2016<br/>Format:&#160;Books<br/> The two two-eyed potatoes : the right to choose a best friend / written by Dustin Milligan ; illustrated by Cory Tibbits. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:783304 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z By:&#160;Milligan, Dustin, 1984-&#160;Tibbits, Cory.<br/>Publication Date:&#160;2014<br/>Format:&#160;Books<br/> Bario Leblieux : the right to be taught in French or English / written by Dustin Milligan ; illustrated by Cory Tibbits. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:783303 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z By:&#160;Milligan, Dustin, 1984-&#160;Tibbits, Cory.<br/>Publication Date:&#160;2014<br/>Format:&#160;Books<br/> Alexander the grape : the right to be considered no matter how old you are / written by Dustin Milligan ; illustrated by Jasmine Vicente. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:783389 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z By:&#160;Milligan, Dustin, 1984-&#160;Vicente, Jasmine.<br/>Publication Date:&#160;2013<br/>Format:&#160;Books<br/> The greyest tale on the Yukon Trail : the right to be treated fairly no matter what colour you are / written by Dustin Milligan ; illustrated by Cory Tibbits. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:783305 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z By:&#160;Milligan, Dustin, 1984-&#160;Tibbits, Cory.<br/>Publication Date:&#160;2013<br/>Format:&#160;Books<br/> In the hoofsteps of Emooly Murphy : the right for boys and girls to be treated as equals / written by Dustin Milligan ; illustrated by Meredith Luce. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:783386 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z By:&#160;Milligan, Dustin, 1984-&#160;Luce, Meredith, 1988-<br/>Publication Date:&#160;2013<br/>Format:&#160;Books<br/> A portrait of the artist as a young lobster : the right to speak, sing, and laugh / written by Dustin Milligan ; illustrated by Meredith Luce. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:784510 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z By:&#160;Milligan, Dustin, 1984-&#160;Luce, Meredith, 1988-<br/>Publication Date:&#160;2012<br/>Format:&#160;Books<br/> The plight beneath the northern light : the right to meet and form groups / written by Dustin Milligan ; illustrated by Cory Tibbits. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:783385 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z By:&#160;Milligan, Dustin, 1984-&#160;Tibbits, Cory.<br/>Publication Date:&#160;2012<br/>Format:&#160;Books<br/> The golden hook : the right to believe and have faith / written by Dustin Milligan ; illustrated by Jasmine Vicente. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:783387 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z By:&#160;Milligan, Dustin, 1984-&#160;Vicente, Jasmine.<br/>Publication Date:&#160;2012<br/>Format:&#160;Books<br/> The case of the missing Montreal bagel : the right to privacy and security / written by Dustin Milligan ; illustrated by Meredith Luce. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:783388 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z 2024-06-21T10:38:15Z By:&#160;Milligan, Dustin, 1984-&#160;Luce, Meredith, 1988-<br/>Publication Date:&#160;2012<br/>Format:&#160;Books<br/>